Second time around...Mel's birth story
After my labour with my first son, I found that the pain medicine I chose on the day (gas), made me very sick and dizzy and when it came to the birth of my son I was so 'out of it' from the gas that I felt like I missed so many special and important parts. This time around with my second son, I was determined to find some other form of pain medication where I could be fully in the moment and be aware of what was happening. I did some research and found the use of tens machine...
Top Postpartum Recovery Tips
birth childbirth Kiwi Crush natural birth Perineum Massage Oil Postpartum recovery Viva la Vulva
Even if you cruised through your pregnancy and had the easiest delivery on record, your body has been stretched and stressed to the max, and it needs a chance to recover. There is no time limit on postpartum healing, so take your time. We’ve come up with some practical advice on postpartum care for ‘down there’. Ouchy! The perineum is the area between the anus and the vagina and if you’ve had a vaginal birth then this area could be sore, swollen and/or stitched. Try the following: Add Epsom Salt to your bath water or use a postpartum healing bath soak to...
What essential oils are safe for babies and mothers during pregnancy?
Absolute Essential Aromatherapy Essential Oils Newborn essentials Preparing for baby preparing for labour
It’s an excellent question as there’s a lot of conflicting information out there. The commercial world of baby products cashes in on our lack of a suitable measure for ‘baby-safe options’. The potential damage in exposing delicate, brand new skin to synthetic ingredients is more than a little worrying. Perhaps you’ve heard about that very ‘trusted’ baby brand recently admitting to having known carcinogens in its baby shampoo? One of our trusted suppliers of essential oils, Absolute Essential believe that certified organic and completely natural is the only acceptable standard for baby-safe ingredients. Absolute Essential has 30 years of clinical experience...
It was a shock to the midwife when Lucy was fully dilated! Read her birth story
Birth Story Labour TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ tenshire
I thought I would share my birth story with you: My labour began during the day on a Tuesday but I wasn’t really aware that it had begun and spent the day googling things like “what do contractions feel like?” As I’d never experienced them before! I continued on with my day just as normal and my husband and I even went to our regular pub quiz that evening but by the time we got home, I was starting to think that what I was experiencing was in fact at least the start of labour. We went to bed as...
10 Benefits of Using a Humidifier
Blissful Bedtime Humidifier Humidifier
Any parent will tell you that one of the hardest times you’ll go through with a newborn is enduring sleepless nights when they are sick. So if someone told you there’s a machine that may help your ease cold and flu symptoms for your baby, you’d definitely want to know about it, right? So what is this magic machine?! A humidifier! There are so many amazing benefits of a humidifier for baby (and the whole family), too! Avoid Dry Skin & Lips When you’re inside and running your heat pump or air con, your skin starts to lose its moisture. You know...