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25% off Ora Aromatherapy

25% off Ora Aromatherapy

Enter the discount code ORA25 at checkout and get 25% off our beautiful Ora Aromatherapy range. Offer ends 10 April 2023

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"I can hands down say that it was a tens machine that got me through it all"

"I can hands down say that it was a tens machine that got me through it all"

During birth, there's only one thing that's certain...there'll be some unexpected excitement! Everyone's birth story is different and we love hearing them all. Ruth was lovely enough to share her own adventure... Just after 2 in the morning my waters broke after no previous inklings. Shortly after that I went into labour, my husband was asleep and I didn't want to wake him so I had a go at putting the tens machine on myself I did a pretty good job, but it was great when my husband woke up and helped reposition it. After a couple of hours it was...

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Getting those endorphins flowing!

Birth Story TENS hire tens hire nz

Getting those endorphins flowing!

We congratulate Celia on a beautiful birth & thank her for sharing her birth story with you.... "Signs of the early latent phase started on the Wednesday morning. We were quick to put the TENS machine on and get my endorphins flowing from the get-go, as recommended by our midwife. Having not used a TENS machine until labour, I wasn't sure what to expect. I found myself distracted by the tingly sensation, but could only manage up to dial 2. This pain and the irregular contractions continued for the next 4 days, and I honestly don't know what I would have...

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30 Memory-making family Christmas Traditions to start in 2022

Blog Christmas Kids Christmas Traditions

30 Memory-making family Christmas Traditions to start in 2022

Children love traditions. Those little (or big) things we do as a family to creative positive experiences and memories, to give them a sense of belonging, celebration, togetherness and joy. It’s never too late (and our children are never too young) to start some traditions in your family. My teenage boys still ask if I’m making my Christmas trifle and I still (drag) them to town to select their Christmas Tree ornament for the year. This year create your own magical Christmas traditions. Play Christmas carols while you put up the tree. Bake and decorate Christmas cookies and put a...

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Birthing Partners: 10 tips for supporting a woman through childbirth

Birthing Partners: 10 tips for supporting a woman through childbirth

If you are the partner of someone who is pregnant, or you have been asked to be a birth support person, you have been given a privilege and a responsibility: to provide emotional and physical support to a woman who will need your help through one of the most significant and vulnerable experiences of her life. Being the support person for a woman in labour is a wonderful experience, a great honour and a particularly personal journey if you are the co-parent of her baby.  If you are anxious about the birth, it will be helpful to gather as much...

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