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News — tenshire

It was a shock to the midwife when Lucy was fully dilated! Read her birth story

Birth Story Labour TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ tenshire

It was a shock to the midwife when Lucy was fully dilated! Read her birth story

I thought I would share my birth story with you: My labour began during the day on a Tuesday but I wasn’t really aware that it had begun and spent the day googling things like “what do contractions feel like?” As I’d never experienced them before! I continued on with my day just as normal and my husband and I even went to our regular pub quiz that evening but by the time we got home, I was starting to think that what I was experiencing was in fact at least the start of labour. We went to bed as...

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Read Nicole's Birth Story

Birth Story Labour TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ TENS rental tenshire

Read Nicole's Birth Story

I had used a TENS machine with my first birth and it was so good at managing my pain through labour. Particularly as by the time I got to the hospital there was no time for any alternative pain relief.  I knew I would want the use of one with my second pregnancy and was glad to find natal care NZ services of hiring these out. When the machine arrived I was impressed how the technology had changed in 5 years and quickly told my husband it was his job to know how it works. I did not want to...

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Clarissa shares her beautiful birth story...

birth Birth Story childbirth drug free childbirth giving birth labour Labour pain Labour TENS managing labour pain natural birth natural childbirth Obstetric TENS pain relief pain relief birth Pain relief for early labour Pregnancy TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ TENS rental tenshire

Clarissa shares her beautiful birth story...

"My little bub was due on the 15th of May, and like many first pregnancy did not come on that day. Instead on the 18th of May early in the morning I started to go into spontaneous labour. From about midday on the 18th my contractions were regular and I knew that this was it, they weren’t fading and instead getting gradually more painful. That’s when I popped on the tens machine and I used it for the remainder of the day. It really helped with getting me through all the cramping and back aches I was experiencing. That evening...

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Ebanee's experience of using TENS

Labour TENS Obstetric TENS TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ TENS rental tenshire

I am just wanting to share a bit of my birth story and how the TENS machine got me through labour and birth of my baby girl Harper.   I went into labour around 11am on Sunday 13th March and began walking around the house unsure if it was contractions or not.. decided it was as they were getting stronger. I was quite nervous to start using the TENS machine because I wasn’t sure how it was going to feel. I was unable to get it ready myself so my partner had a quick read of the instructions (he’s dyslexic but...

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Natasha shares her birth experience with TENS

birth Birth Story childbirth drug free childbirth giving birth labour Labour pain Labour TENS managing labour pain natural birth natural childbirth Obstetric TENS pain relief pain relief birth Pain relief for early labour Pregnancy Preparing for birth preparing for labour TENS TENS hire tens hire nz TENS machine TENS NZ TENS rental tenshire

Natasha shares her birth experience with TENS

When considering my birth preferences, I wanted to have a natural labour without medical intervention, unless medically required. My midwife recommended TENS to me and I must admit I was sceptical at first, wondering if it would be worthwhile. I went on the Natal Care website and read the reviews from other families and decided to give it a go, given the minimal investment required.  The machine arrived promptly with clear instructions and a seamless returns process. The instructions and reviews indicated the earlier the TENS is used, the better. So, when my waters broke, my partner promptly helped me...

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