Vocalisation is a natural and powerful way to manage contraction pain during labour. It encourages relaxation, stimulates endorphin release, and helps women cope with the intensity of childbirth. By embracing vocalisation, women can navigate labour with greater comfort and confidence.
Why Vocalisation can work wonders
Vocalisation helps relax the body, especially the jaw and facial muscles, which are key to facilitating cervical relaxation and easing labour. Low-pitched sounds, such as humming or moaning, help to open the mouth and release tension, creating a more relaxed environment for both the mum and baby.
Tips for Using Vocalisation
- Go Low and Slow: Focus on deep, low-pitched sounds like moaning or humming. These tones help relax your jaw and face, making the whole experience feel a bit more zen.
- Birthing Partner to the Rescue: If you find yourself slipping into high-pitched panic sounds, don’t worry—your birthing partner can step in. They can make calming low sounds for you to mirror, helping you shift gears and find your calm again.
- Keep It Supportive: Birth is your personal journey, and vocalising is a totally normal part of the process. So, don’t let anyone make fun of those groans and moans—unless, of course, mum is finding humour in it too.
- Vocalisation is Just One Tool: If other pain relief techniques aren’t working for you, give vocalisation a try! It’s another way to help you manage the pain and stay focused on birthing your baby.
Add ‘vocalisation’ to your toolkit of pain relief options.