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Getting those endorphins flowing!

Birth Story TENS hire tens hire nz

We congratulate Celia on a beautiful birth & thank her for sharing her birth story with you....
"Signs of the early latent phase started on the Wednesday morning. We were quick to put the TENS machine on and get my endorphins flowing from the get-go, as recommended by our midwife. Having not used a TENS machine until labour, I wasn't sure what to expect. I found myself distracted by the tingly sensation, but could only manage up to dial 2. This pain and the irregular contractions continued for the next 4 days, and I honestly don't know what I would have done without the TENS machine. Precious sleep was made more bearable with the constant vibrations. When Sunday finally rolled around, our midwife suggested a long walk to kickstart the active phase, as things were still slow to progress (I was frustratingly only 4cm by this stage!). So my husband and I did a big hike up to a steep lookout, and on the way up I was cranking up the TENS machine to dial 10, boosting as contractions became more regular and closer together. Less than an hour later I was in active labour, and used the TENS machine right through active labour to help me cope with the pain. The TENS machine was an absolute lifesaver and I would recommend it as a form of pain relief. I feel empowered by having given birth naturally, and the TENS machine definitely helped me deliver our sweet baby boy into the world."
- Celia

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