I am just wanting to share a bit of my birth story and how the TENS machine got me through labour and birth of my baby girl Harper.

I went into labour around 11am on Sunday 13th March and began walking around the house unsure if it was contractions or not.. decided it was as they were getting stronger. I was quite nervous to start using the TENS machine because I wasn’t sure how it was going to feel. I was unable to get it ready myself so my partner had a quick read of the instructions (he’s dyslexic but managed easily with the simple instructions, especially while under pressure of me having my contractions) and he placed it on me. I started turning it on and was pleased to feel a gentle vibration to start with.
It really helped especially when it was time to head to the hospital which was a 30 minute drive away. We got to the hospital and I started ramping it back up again slowly. I really wanted a water birth so they had prepped the water for me and I held off for a while because I didn’t want to take the TENS off because it was helping me through my contractions so much. After a while I gave in and gave the water a go, things started slowing down in the water so I had to get out and quickly put the tens back on and got back into the rhythm of using it. Towards the end of my labour I was unable to control the tens myself, I had it hanging around my neck but my partner ended up taking control for me and I would yell BOOST when I needed.. haha.. easy enough for him to navigate. I had the TENS machine on right through until my daughter was born and we turned it off as everything settled down.

I have a very low pain tolerance and I don’t know how I would have got through labour without it. I will absolutely use this again in the future and recommend to everyone to use, this exact machine. I received it very fast and is easy to post back once I finished with it.
Thanks again,