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Clarissa shares her beautiful birth story...

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"My little bub was due on the 15th of May, and like many first pregnancy did not come on that day. Instead on the 18th of May early in the morning I started to go into spontaneous labour.

From about midday on the 18th my contractions were regular and I knew that this was it, they weren’t fading and instead getting gradually more painful. That’s when I popped on the tens machine and I used it for the remainder of the day. It really helped with getting me through all the cramping and back aches I was experiencing.

That evening my midwife came to assess my progress and do a stretch and sweep, I was 2cm dilated at that stage. From the stretch and sweep things really picked up! I increased the intensity of the tens machine with almost every hour to help with the pain, the boost really did it for me, it helped me to breathe through the pain.

After midnight my midwife did another assessment and I was around 6cm dilated, it was time to go to hospital.

I continued to use the tens up until I got to hospital and got into the shower. After showering I laboured in the birth pool for a few hours before returning to my birth room where I gave birth.

The only pain relief I had was the tens machine, water submersion and paracetamol (to bring my temp down from being in the pool).

My little girl Lara was born via vaginal birth on the morning of the 19th of May at 8.29am.

I really believe that the tens machine helped me to breathe through each contraction and build endorphins so that I could let me body do it’s thing.

Thank you for providing such a great service and easy instructions!"


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