News — TENS rental
Read our Q and A with new mum Kimberley
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We asked one of our lovely new mums, Kimberley some questions about her labour. Here's some of her advice for a positive, prepared labour. What techniques, tools and people helped you during labour? A: I had a bag of tricks at the ready after reading JuJu Sundin's book called 'Birth Skills'. I didn't end up needing many of them since my labour was so quick, but what I found helpful was my husband distracting me by counting, a heat pack on my shoulders, walking/stomping around the house, squeezing a stress ball, and listening to this calming music over and over again....
Welcome to the World Baby Dustin
Birth Story giving birth Labour TENS TENS TENS hire TENS rental
We love hearing your birth stories. Jahnea shares her story of Dustin arriving in the world… My water broke at 5:30pm. I had only just sat down after a tiring day wedding dress shopping with my friend. I was two days past my due date and finally had done all the things I needed to. I felt a funny twinge and thought that I needed to pee. So I took myself to the toilet and water rushed out as soon as I reached the bathroom. I did for a moment think I had wet myself. Every time I moved my...