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Welcome to the World Baby Dustin

Birth Story giving birth Labour TENS TENS TENS hire TENS rental

We love hearing your birth stories. Jahnea shares her story of Dustin arriving in the world…

My water broke at 5:30pm. I had only just sat down after a tiring day wedding dress shopping with my friend. I was two days past my due date and finally had done all the things I needed to. I felt a funny twinge and thought that I needed to pee. So I took myself to the toilet and water rushed out as soon as I reached the bathroom. I did for a moment think I had wet myself. Every time I moved my legs some more water came out and I clicked that it was indeed my ‘waters’! I called my husband and mum and they were soon home. We quickly put the tens machine on just after 6pm. I had fairly strong contractions and enjoyed the relief from the tens machine. By this time my contractions were coming pretty fast and strong so we decided to call the midwife and meet her at the birth care Centre. On the way I was able to turn the level up on my tens machine. When we got there another contraction hit when I was walking into the lift and I still remember the ‘kick’ from the tens machine, and the tingling feeling! I had it turned up pretty high but was loving it! 

Once in the birthing room and after being checked by a midwife I decided to move into the birthing pool. My baby boy Dustin arrived at 7:30pm. He was a healthy weight at 4.24kg. I had to push his head and his shoulders out! I was very relieved to finally have him out and to meet him. I had a very small tear which the midwife stitched, and I got on with enjoying my baby! 

I enjoyed the service I received from Natal Care Naturally, and even though we had a small issue with it arriving, Jane was super helpful and committed to having the problem solved as soon as possible. The instructions on how to operate were very clear. Returning the machine was easy with the envelope provided. Thanks heaps I would recommend the service and use it again! 

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