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Libby shares her birth story...

My son Jay was born on Tuesday the 27th of March this year. He is my first child and the birth was only 7 and a half hours long (5 and a half of which were spent at home thanks to the TENS machine)!

I may have been in early labour for a few days because I woke at 1230 midnight and my waters broke. Within 15 mins I was having 45-second contractions every four minutes and they kept on coming on stronger and stronger.

I got my husband to attach the TENS machine at 2.30am and at first, I was not sure if it was helping so I took it off. OH BOY WAS IT HELPING!!

I stayed at home until 5.30am with the TENS machine. At this point, the contractions were coming a minute on, a minute off and they were sore!

We called the midwife and headed to the hospital where I was fully dilated and within half an hour I was beginning to push. From that point on I had no pain relief.

My son was born 1.5 hours later and it was an amazing feeling to have laboured with minimal pain relief and in a relatively relaxed frame of mind. The TENS machine helped me to stay at home for the majority of the labour which, I believe, brought my son to me so quickly.

I recommend this product to all my friends who are about to give birth!

Thanks heaps for making it so easy to rent.

If you would like to share your birth story, we'd love to hear from you. Email me at jane@natalcarenz.co.nz

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