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Alice shares her birth story...

One thing we love to do as women is share our birth stories. Even if we are in the company of strangers, we don’t care, we love to share.  Perhaps it’s the life-changing, unforgettable experience that brings us together and connects us enough to open up and talk.

Here at NatalCare Naturally we LOVE reading your birth stories (and so do our mums), so please feel free to share your own.

This week, Alice steps us through her incredible, strong, beautiful birth story.

It was the middle of the night, Friday and I woke to a mild period-like pain. I went back to sleep with ease and woke up the next morning to some more mild pains. I just thought, I’m finally getting some Braxton hicks. Little did I know I was in the early stages of labour.

I went about my day on Saturday and started noticing that these pains were slowly getting stronger and more regular. 

At 3.30pm my husband put the TENS machine on my back. He dimmed the lights, put relaxation music on, bought out some snacks and ensured I was drinking lots.

By 5pm we called our midwife, telling her contractions had started and they were getting more intense.

Half an hour later our Midwife came to the house and examined me. I was 3cm dilated. Bloody show had also started. Our Midwife said she would check back on me in 3 hours.

My husband had been counting the in and out breathes with me to keep me breathing and relaxing. My husband made us dinner, but I could hardly eat. I tried to eat as much as possible as we both knew I needed my strength and that we would soon be meeting our new baby!

By 7pm the surges got more rhythmic, stronger and more frequent.

My Midwife called at 9pm and my husband explained the surges I was experiencing. He could tell the duration and frequency of my contractions because I was pushing the boost button on the TENS for each contraction. I didn’t need to communicate anything! He kept track of the contractions on an app I had downloaded. Just before the midwife arrived, I told my husband that I didn’t think I could go on for much longer the way I was, but wanted to do what was right for our baby. It was tough going.

At 9.35pm our Midwife arrived again to examine me.  I was now 5cm dilated and my midwife thought I still had a few hours until I was fully dilated. I was disappointed but knew that my body was doing what it was designed to do. 

Ten minutes after being examined my waters suddenly broke in a gush and I thought I was wetting myself. Thankfully our midwife was still with us as meconium was in the waters so we went straight to hospital to keep an eye on our baby. 

We arrived at the hospital at 10pm and I wanted to push en-route. (Only a 5 minute drive) 

At 10.20pm baby James was born! I was very fortunate and I didn’t need any stitches as I only had two small grazes. I definitely put that down to the fact that I knew what my body was doing and was capable of, that I relaxed through the whole process and that the TENS machine was helping with my pain.

What an incredible experience!

Baby James is my first baby and I am so pleased I managed a natural vaginal birth without medical intervention.

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